Customer Testimonials

“Clifton Tube Cutting has been a  supplier for many years. They are good on delivery and price, and the value of their products is very good. Response time to any question is immediate; there is always someone to answer the phone for any questions we have. We are very pleased with Clifton’s work and highly recommend them.”


“Clifton Tube Cutting is a lean organization with competitive pricing and outstanding quality. They have always provided great value to my organization and I look to them when I need a quick response or turnaround. Clifton is a key business partner and they meet our expectations every time I call on them.”


“Clifton Tube Cutting has a unique set of capabilities that suits our customers.”


“Whenever we see a tube, we automatically think of Clifton Tube Cutting. They do a nice job, are easy to work with and we have never had any major issues with their company.”


“There are always challenges to face to make work better for our own customers, and Clifton is up to those challenges.”


“Our company has been working with Clifton Tube Cutting for many years and we appreciate this long term relationship. They are a strategic supplier and can assist us any time, even in an emergency. They are a valued partner.”


“Clifton Tube Cutting and their team have integrity and can be trusted with anything. They offer good pricing and quality work as well as being timely.”